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Flower Delivery Dayton, Ohio

The 9 Best Options for Flower Delivery in Dayton, Ohio


Let’s face it, flowers are universal! In your own home, a simple arrangement can change the ambiance completely. It creates a more laid-back, romantic atmosphere. As gifts, they’re perfect for any occasion, whether it be for a corporate event or a special friend. If you’re looking for flower delivery options in Dayton, Ohio, here are 8 of the most reliable florists in the area.

1. Furst the Florist


BEST FOR Weddings
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $39.99
CONTACT 937-853-8104
PAYMENT Visa, MasterCard, Discover/NOVUS, American Express

Furst the Florist is located in Troy Street, Dayton. They provide flowers for a wide variety of occasions. They’re your one-stop shop for your flower needs. They’ve been in operation since 1905. For over a hundred years, they’ve been committed to providing only the highest quality flowers.

2. Ed Smith Flowers and Gifts


BEST FOR Gift and flower combinations
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $45
DELIVERY FEE Calculated upon checkout
CONTACT 937-222-9441
PAYMENT Visa, MasterCard, Discover/NOVUS, American Express. PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay

Ed Smith Flowers and Gifts are a local business. They’ve been open since 1955. The flower shop is completely family-run and has been handed down from generation to generation. They can prepare both casual and formal arrangements for any occasion. To add to this, they offer same-day deliveries to local areas.

3. The Savy Rose (Linden Ave. Florists)


BEST FOR Online orders
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $20
DELIVERY FEE Calculated upon checkout
CONTACT 937-253-5994
PAYMENT Visa, MasterCard, Discover/NOVUS, American Express

The Savy Rose is a family-run business. It was previously named Linden Ave. Florist. However, the shop was renamed after the owner’s newborn daughter. They specialize in online orders, as they serve internet orders exclusively. Each arrangement is hand-designed and hand-tied, ensuring personalized items every time.

4. The Flower Shoppe


BEST FOR Weddings, events and sympathy flowers
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Calculated upon ordering
DELIVERY FEE Calculated upon checkout
CONTACT 937-224-7673
PAYMENT Made through phone

The Flower Shoppe has been in business since 2003. Originally located near the University of Dayton, in Brown Street, their headquarters are now in the Shops of Oakwood. The owner, Mark, is a professional florist. They make it a point to buy fresh flowers from the local area. All deliveries must be made through the phone, to ensure the flowers’ maximum freshness.

5. Morning Sun Florist

Best Flower Delivery Dayton | Morning Sun Florist


BEST FOR Artisanal flowers
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Calculated upon order
DELIVERY FEE Calculated upon checkout
CONTACT 937-434-8090
PAYMENT Made through phone

Morning Sun Florist is a local flower shop located in Fair Hills Ave, in the Shops of Oakwood. They specialize in artisanal flowers. They use a mix of fresh, exotic flowers and quirky trinkets to create modern arrangements. All orders are made through phone.

6. Unique Designs Florist Studio


BEST FOR All occasion
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $45
CONTACT 937-435-6090
PAYMENT Visa, MasterCard, Discover/NOVUS, American Express

Unique Designs Florist Studio has been providing high quality arrangements since 1977. The flower shop was established by Jim Rauch, a professional florist. Since then, the staff has grown as talented team members have gone on-board. With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, they specialize in contemporary arrangements and Asian designs.

7. Blooming Idiots Floral Events


BEST FOR All occasion
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Calculated upon order
DELIVERY FEE Calculated upon checkout
CONTACT 937-430-8623
PAYMENT Made through phone

Jeff Martin, the head designer at Blooming Idiots Floral Events, ensures that each arrangement is expertly made. With more than 30 years of professional experience in the industry, he creates designs that are innovative and creative. The award-winning florist personally oversees each order, so you know you’re in good hands. Because each arrangement is hand-made, all orders must be made by phone.

8. The Flowerman

Best Flower Delivery Dayton Ohio | The Flowerman


BEST FOR Market-fresh flowers, Do-It-Yourself wedding experience
SELECTION SIZE N/A, customized per client
PRICE RANGE Contact florist for prices
DELIVERY FEE Fees may vary
PAYMENT Major credit cards

The Flowerman is a full-service, award-winning florist providing a Do-It-Yourself experience for clients and customers. They transformed into their special floral concept today after spending years selling gladiolus from the back of a truck at farmers’ markets in the Dayton area. In 2001, the Do-It-Yourself wedding flower concept was born. The decision to invite customers to become part of the flower experience changed how The Flowerman conducted business.

9. Floral Moments Ohio


BEST FOR All occasion
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $45
CONTACT 937-277-1800
PAYMENT Visa, MasterCard, American Express

Floral Moments Ohio is a local flower shop located in Stop 8 Road, Dayton. They specialize in hand-arranged flowers, each one with a unique twist. All their flowers are sourced fresh from all around Dayton. They make it a point to ensure that each order fits your needs.