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Best Funeral Flowers Melbourne

The 6 Best Options for Funeral Flowers in Melbourne


Did you know that Australian floral industry generates over $725 million in revenue annually? There’s no doubt about it: Australians love flowers. However, during holidays and special occasions, it can be hard to find a flower shop without a long line! Thankfully, there are a lot of flower shops in Melbourne who deliver to your doorstep! If you’re looking for a reliable florist, here are your best options.

1.     CBD Florist


BEST FOR Same day deliveries
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $39
DELIVERY FEE Calculated upon checkout
CONTACT 61-1300-851-142
PAYMENT American Express, MasterCard, Visa, PayPal

CBD Florist is an online shop based in Melbourne. Their team has more than a decade of hands-on experience in the floral industry. They cater to a wide variety of events, including weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and, most importantly, funerals. They have a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you’re sure that you’re getting high quality flowers, every time.

2.     Star Florist


BEST FOR Discounted flowers
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $59
CONTACT 61-385-102-074
PAYMENT American Express, MasterCard, Visa, PayPal

Star Florist is an online shop that specializes in fresh flowers. They have a wide variety of flower types available, including tulips, lilies and roses. Because they are an Internet-based business, they can keep their prices quite low. If you’re looking for discounted prices, this is your best option.

3.    CP Flower


BEST FOR Classic arrangements
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $44.95
CONTACT 61-039-654-3155
PAYMENT Visa, Discover, Direct Debit

CP Flower Shop specializes in roses, but they carry a wide array of other flowers as well! They pride themselves in high quality products. It’s their aim to provide arrangements and bouquets that look high-end at discounted prices.

4.     Flowers Melbourne City


BEST FOR Artistic designs
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $20
DELIVERY FEE Delivery fee included in price
CONTACT 03-9654-9684
PAYMENT Visa, American Express, MasterCard, PayPal, eway

Flowers Melbourne City is located in Little Collins Street. As a small business, you can be sure to get personalized service every time. The local flower shop puts a premium on creative flower artistry, so expect creative designs and innovative styles.

5.     The Little Market Bunch


BEST FOR Flowers bunches
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $39.95
DELIVERY FEE Free delivery to suburbs within 10km from CBD
PAYMENT Visa, American Express, MasterCard, PayPal, Shopify, Apple Pay, Google Pay

The Little Market Bunch will help pay a proper tribute sending a unique, fresh and elegant little market bunch from with same-day delivery to all Melbourne suburbs. They source the flowers from Melbourne’s flower markets to create the perfect little bunch for any occasion or just because! The bunch variation changes daily.

6.     Her Majesty’s Florist


BEST FOR Traditional styles
SELECTION SIZE Small, medium and large
PRICE RANGE Starts at $35
CONTACT 03-9600-4830
PAYMENT Visa, American Express, MasterCard, PayPal

Her Majesty’s Florist is located in Healy’s Lane. They have a wide range of flower arrangements for all your needs. To add to this, they have same-day deliveries available. This makes their services more convenient.