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Best Flower Delivery Clearwater Florida

The 9 Best Options for Flower Delivery in Clearwater, Florida


Located in the Tampa Bay area, Clearwater City is famous for its sunny weather and gulf coast beaches. Because of the weather and the scenery, the city is known to be very vibrant, which matches their abundance of colorful flowers.

Here are the best shops for flower delivery in Clearwater.

1. Flowerama


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $39.99
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Instagram n/a
Contact (727) 461-3530
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Flowerama has been a 1-stop shop for thoughtful gifts in the form of beautiful floral arrangements since they were established in 1997.

2. Florist of the Northwoods


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $24.95
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Instagram n/a
Contact 727 796 5911 |
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Established in 1985, Florist of the Northwoods has been known to be one of the best florists to provide premium floral arrangements that can be delivered right to the customer’s doorstep.

3. Open Air Designs


Best For Special occasions
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $45
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Contact 727-443-1963 |
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Open Air Designs specializes in floral design and arrangement for special celebrations such as weddings. However, they can also deliver bouquets and flower vases for personal gifts.

4. Hassell Florist


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $59.95
Delivery Fee $10.95
Instagram n/a
Contact (727) 442-8186 |
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Hassell Florist is one of the proudest florists in the area because they offer fine floral arrangements for any occasion, matched by a welcoming staff who caters to all customer concerns.

5. The Garden Shed Florist


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $50
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Instagram n/a
Contact (727) 725-0841
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay

Family owned and operated, The Garden Shed Florist is a full-service flower shop that has a knowledgeable staff to help customers find the perfect blooming arrangement for the occasion.

6. Flower Market


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $5.95
Delivery Fee $8 to $10 local fee
Instagram n/a
Contact (727) 441-1186 |
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Flower Market is known to offer the best prices in the area for beautiful and fresh floral arrangements.

7. The JillTed Florist



Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $14.95
Delivery Fee $10.95 local fee
Contact (727) 461-9055 |
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

The JillTed Florist is a family owned and operated flower shop that creates beautiful floral arrangements that can bring joy to any special celebration.

8. Maria’s Flowers


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $34.99
Delivery Fee $5 local fee
Instagram n/a
Contact (727) 791-6068 |
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Established in 1986, Maria’s Flowers offers beautiful flower arrangements that is matched by a welcoming and friendly service.

9. Janie Beane Florist


Best ForFlowers for any occasion
Selection SizeStarts at $50.00
Price RangeMedium
Delivery FeeLocal Delivery Fee: $12.95
ContactLocal: 727-536-0429
PaymentVisa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club International

Add beauty and color to any occasion with Janie Beane Florist Inc. They only offer fresh and handcrafted bouquets that is sure to express your sentiment to whatever event you may need it for: birthdays, anniversaries, times for congratulations

Since 1972, they have been serving Clearwater with guaranteed fresh flowers and gourmet baskets for your enjoyment. With their expertise in flower arrangement and professional approach to detail, Janie Beane Florist Inc. will definitely not disappoint.